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How to cook with
Dehydrated Vegetables

Dehydrated veggies and fruits provide quick and easy additions to family dinners. They can be used alone or as a flavouring accent in combination with other dishes. Most applications necessitate rehydrating the meal, often known as refreshing.


Conditions required by vegetable and fruits

The dried food is refreshed by soaking or heating (or mixing the two) in water until the desired volume is recovered. Vegetables require little refreshing before drying if properly pretreated with steam or water blanching. Covering vegetables with hot water and cooking until tender, such as spinach, kale, cabbage, chard, or tomatoes, refreshes them.


Root, stem, and seed vegetables are soaked in cold water for 12 to 112 hours to keep them submerged. They are cooked until soft after washing, and any extra water is allowed to evaporate. Refreshing takes less time if dehydrated vegetables are added to hot water.


Dehydrated Tomato

Dehydrated fruits are soaked in hot water and then, if necessary, cooked in the soaking water. If more water is required for preparation, add it after that.


Soups, casseroles, sauces, and stews benefit the most from dehydrated veggies. They can, however, be served on their own with the addition of butter, cheese sauce, or herbs to enhance the flavor. Fresh vegetables require less time to cook than dehydrated vegetables that have been refreshed. Vegetables should be cooked until they reach the appropriate firmness.


Benefits of using dehydrated vegetables


Dehydrated fruits can be consumed raw or rehydrated and cooked till soft. Spices or flavourings such as cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg can be employed to increase flavour. Dried fruits can be included in cobblers, bread, pies, and puddings.

Only when dehydrated goods are ready for use should they be refreshed. Rehydrated foods should not be stored. Drying temperatures are insufficient to kill all bacteria, and spoiling can occur through quick rehydration.


Hacks to use dehydrated vegetables

       Rehydrate before using in salads and side dishes.

       Make a marinade out of vegetables.

       Make vegetable flour out of it.

       Make your crispy vegetable chips.

       You Can Make Your Vegetable Powders

       Toss into soups and stews

       Enhance the Flavor of Home-Baked Bread

       Add water to make a fast sauce.

       Make an eggplant recipe as an alternative bacon recipe.



Dehydration slowly drains water from food, preventing bacteria from forming on the vegetables. It extends the shelf life of the vegetables without the use of harmful chemicals or preservatives. Dehydrating vegetable locks in the richness and sweetness of the vegetables while keeping their nutritional worth. Dehydrate your vegetables by drying them in the sun for three days in an electric dehydrator or a low-temperature oven. It is simple to dehydrate your vegetables. Dehydrated vegetables shrink to about a third of their original size, so you won't have to worry about storage space. Once you've dehydrated your vegetables, you can use them in various ways.

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